This Week at Hope – All for Pleasure
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As we enter into the final verses of Isaiah 53 (v11-12), we arrive at a summary statement of the whole section that brings all of the strands of this great text together. We see the pleasures of God. We notice overflow of the pleasures of the generosity of God the Father through God the Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, as He has labored for our souls, bore our iniquities, divided treasures with us and made us co-heirs. Finally Christ Himself has come alongside to help as intercessor for transgressors. We have already seen His pleasure in our prosperity (v10). Now we see His satisfaction in His labor (v11) and His generosity in dividing spoil with us and interceding (v12). All of these are outworkings of His pleasures… for all that God does is for pleasure. This is the beauty of holiness.
Prayer will be held at the Brown’s Barn.
On Thursday, I will be giving a survey of Ezra at 5:00 in my downtown library. Come if you like – or If you’d like to live stream, here is the link:
The songs are below:
- O Happy Day!
- The Suffering Servant
- Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery
- He Will Hold Me Fast
- And Can It Be