Brothers and Sisters,
On Sunday, we will read Jesus final words to the crowds, before His crucifixion. This is the final act of His public ministry. This section, John, 12:27-41 brings us to many of the facts of the power of the Cross of Christ – His anguish, His judgment, His drawing. And it explains the reactions of His hearers. Jesus issues His final call in v35-36, “while you have the light, believe in the light.” Has the Lord revealed Himself to you? Do you know Him? Do you walk in darkness? Do you know “the arm of the Lord.”
Prayer will be held at the Brown’s Barn
On Friday evening at 6:30, a Night of Preaching from John 14, which document Christ’s private words with His disciples. He begins with these words, “Let not your heart be troubled.” A.W., Pink calls the chapter, “This heart-melting address of Christ,” to His disciples before His death. The preaching starts at 6:30 with Freddy Molina, John 14:1-4; Sean Gill John 14:5-6; Robert Bosley John 14:7-11; Bryan Solik John 14:12-14; Will Arterburn John 14:15-18; Jordan Jueckstock John 14:19-24; Brandon Vanderford? John 14:25-31.
Saturday – Church Work Day at the Church, 8:00-…The Deacons have many projects for us… let us all get out there and help.
Sunday evening 6:30 – Church Sing with Sovereign Redeemer and Turkey Mission Update
Our Songs for Sunday are:
O Worship the King
Creator God, Our Sovereign Lord
Man of Sorrows
The Power of the Cross
Grace Greater Than Our Sin
O Worship the King
O worship the King, all glorious above
And gratefully sing His wonderful love
Our Shield and Defender, the Ancient of Days
Pavilioned in splendor and girded with praise
Thy bountiful care, what tongue can recite?
It breathes in the air; it shines in the light
It streams from the hills; it descends to the plain
And sweetly distills in the dew and the rain
Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail
In Thee do we trust, nor find Thee to fail
Thy mercies how tender, how firm till the end!
Our Maker, Defender, Redeemer and Friend!
All hail to the King! In splendor enthroned
Glad praises we bring, Thy wonders make known
Returning victorious, great conqueror of sin
King Jesus, all glorious, our vict’ry will win
Creator God, Our Sovereign Lord
Creator God, our Sovereign Lord,
The heavens tell, the stars have shown,
Your splendor, might, and Deity,
But Truth lies in Your Word alone.
My heart to You, O God, I give,
And by your Word I live.
In Truth Your Word reveals my guilt,
My lost, unworthy self makes known,
But now made new I’m justified
And live and move by Faith alone.
My heart to You, O God, I give,
And now by Faith I live.
Before You made the world You chose,
In love, to send Your only Son
To ransom me and make me one
With Christ, my Lord, by Grace alone.
My heart to You, O God, I give,
And now by Grace I live.
O Christ, Redeemer, Savior, King,
Subdued by grace, I am Your own;
Enthrall my soul and make me free,
Reformed, redeemed by Christ alone.
My heart to You, O God, I give,
And now in Christ I live.
O glorious God, Who reigns on high,
With heart in hand, before Your throne,
We hymn Your glory ‘round the world
With psalms adoring You alone.
My heart to You, O God, I give,
And for Your glory live.
Man of Sorrows
Man of Sorrows! what a name
For the Son of God, who came
Ruined sinners to reclaim:
Hallelujah! what a Saviour!
Bearing shame and scoffing rude,
In my place condemned He stood,
Sealed my pardon with His blood:
Hallelujah! what a Saviour!
Guilty, vile, and helpless, we;
Spotless Lamb of God was He;
Full atonement! can it be?
Hallelujah! what a Saviour!
Lifted up was He to die,
“It is finished!” was His cry:
Now in heav’n exalted high:
Hallelujah! what a Saviour!
When He comes, our glorious King,
All His ransomed home to bring,
Then anew this song we’ll sing:
Hallelujah! what a Saviour!
The Power of the Cross
Oh, to see the dawn of the darkest day:
Christ on the road to Calvary.
Tried by sinful men, torn and beaten, then
Nailed to a cross of wood.
This, the pow’r of the cross:
Christ became sin for us;
Took the blame, bore the wrath –
We stand forgiven at the cross.
Oh, to see the pain written on Your face,
Bearing the awesome weight of sin.
Ev’ry bitter thought, ev’ry evil deed
Crowning Your bloodstained brow.
This, the pow’r of the cross:
Christ became sin for us;
Took the blame, bore the wrath –
We stand forgiven at the cross.
Now the daylight flees; now the ground beneath
Quakes as its Maker bows His head.
Curtain torn in two, dead are raised to life;
“Finished!” the vict’ry cry.
This, the pow’r of the cross:
Christ became sin for us;
Took the blame, bore the wrath –
We stand forgiven at the cross.
Oh, to see my name written in the wounds,
For through Your suffering I am free.
Death is crushed to death; life is mine to live,
Won through Your selfless love.
This, the pow’r of the cross:
Son of God – slain for us.
What a love! What a cost!
We stand forgiven at the cross.
Grace Greater Than Our Sin
Marvelous grace of our loving Lord
Grace that exceeds our sin and our guilt
Yonder on Calvary’s mount outpoured
There where the blood of the Lamb was spilt
Grace, grace, God’s grace
Grace that will pardon and cleanse within!
Grace, grace, God’s grace
Grace that is greater than all our sin!
Sin and despair, like the sea waves cold
Threaten the soul with infinite loss
Grace that is greater, yes, grace untold
Points to the refuge, the mighty cross
Dark is the stain that we cannot hide
What can avail to wash it away?
Look! there is flowing a crimson tide
Whiter than snow you may be today
Marvelous, infinite, matchless grace
Freely bestowed on all who believe!
You that are longing to see His face
Will you this moment His grace receive?