This Week at Hope – The Multitude of His Lovingkindnesses
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
This week prayer will be held at the Brown’s
On Sunday our focus in scripture will be Isaiah 63:1-14, where we encounter an avenger traveling out of Edom (a symbol of the enemies of God) after destroying them in His anger (v1-6). Isaiah responds to this warrior, whose garments are red with blood, with thanksgiving, because it has happened for because of God’s love, “According to the multitude of His loving kindnesses.” The rest of the section (v7-14) is a song of praise for God’s mercy in exercising His power over His enemies. Isaiah explains the reason God works in this way. He has a very distinct purpose in mind. God avenges His enemies and leads His people to make for Himself, “a glorious name” (v14). EndFragmentEndFragment
Building Update:
The elders received feedback and have found that the church is split about half and half between alternatives two and three. We are going to schedule a meeting in January for a discussion to try to continue to build unity for the way forward. We would like to have the meeting on Thursday evening January 7 at the church. Regular attenders are welcome to attend, but cannot participate in the conversation.
We will be singing these songs together on Sunday,
- Rejoice the Lord Is King
- Great Is Thy Faithfulness
- Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us
- What God Ordains Is Always Good
- The Son of God Goes Forth to War