Membership Process
The membership of this Church shall consist of persons who have repented of their sins and confess faith on the Lord Jesus Christ; who give evidence of regeneration by a living consistent with their profession and with the views of faith, doctrine and practice of this Church; who have been baptized in believer’s baptism by immersion, and who have been received into its membership according to their agreement with the church doctrinal statement, covenant and constitution.
There is a two step process:
1. Membership applicants will complete the membership process specified by the elders (which includes teaching times), meet with an elder to communicate their Christian testimony, history in past churches, discuss the commitments of the church and affirm their agreement with the documents of the church by reviewing them during that meeting.
2. Upon approval, they will publicly read the covenant to the church affirming their acceptance into the membership of the church.
All actions regarding membership, either of admission or dismissal, shall be conducted at any of the regular meetings for worship. The Church may, without special notice, act upon the reception of members, or upon transfer of members to other churches.
The elders will maintain a membership list, including names, dates of birth, with yes/no entries for baptism, profession of faith, and communicant status. This membership list is not to be confused with a church directory of addresses and phone numbers.