This Week at Hope – Cain or Christ?
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Prayer on Wed will be held at the Noah’s “Ark”.
Please pray for Scott and Paul as they travel to Utah on Thursday to Monday for ministry in Utah, Idaho and Wyoming to meet with regional pastors and preach at a church on matters of marriage.
Voting on Deacon Candidates Aug 14: The elders are rejoicing in the prospect of adding Deacons. We are presenting to the congregation candidates for the office of Deacon, Al Burke and Alan Hillman. We will be voting on Sunday, Aug 14 for their installation. If you have any objections to these men serving as Deacons, please communicate with them personally and if you cannot resolve your concerns with them, feel free to communicate with the elders.
Baptism on Sunday – David Arnette will be baptized after the church service…at 2:00pm.
Our preaching text for this week is 1 John 3:10-15 where we will see “Family Resemblance – Cain or Christ.” John continues to point out the distinctions between those who are children of God and those who are children of the devil. John has a confidence and assurance in his children because he sees their love for righteousness and love for the brethren. He desires for us to look in the mirror to see if we resemble His Son or if we are more like Cain who hated his brother.
Scott Brown