This Week at Hope: Christ Is the End of the Law
Dear brothers and sisters,
This Sunday we will be continuing our study of the law of God – a necessary topic under the umbrella of our series on the Ten Commandments. Our text will be Romans 9:30 – 10:4. The last verse in our text states: For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.
Before we jump in to consider what the law of God is, it is important to establish what it isn’t. Samuel Bolton said it well: ‘Live as though there were no Gospel; die as though there were no law. Pass the time of this life in the wilderness of this world under the conduct of Moses; but let none but Joshua bring you over into Canaan, the promised land.’ May it never be true of any of us, that we are looking to the law for the purpose of establishing a righteousness of our own.
Ladies, do remember that Women’s Mentoring is happening tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at the Brown’s.
Wednesday evening prayer will also be held at the Brown’s Barn.
Our brother Paul will be bringing a message on Abortion: War on the Unborn this Sunday afternoon.
Please pray for Scott and the NCFIC crew as they host the West-coast conference in Seattle this weekend. Scott leaves for Seattle tomorrow. Our own East-coast conference in Asheville is about five weeks away. Please see the email from earlier today regarding the importance of the conference and how to go about getting financial assistance if it is needed.
Songs for Sunday are as follows:
- To God All Praise and Glory
- All I Have Is Christ
- By Grace Alone
- Wondrous King All-Glorious
- And Can It Be