This Week at Hope – In Need of More Grace?
Dear brothers and sisters,
This Sunday we will be back in James (4:6-10). Having addressed a spirit of pride that was running rampant in the church, James prescribes the only thing that can cure the heart of such pride. It starts first with a right view and understanding of God and His ways. Only then is the heart at a place where the prescription will prove effective. This passage also makes it clear that the problems we experience on a horizontal level must first be addressed at the vertical level. We can never expect our relationships with others to be healthy if our relationship with God is not what it should be.
This is our only hope – God gives more grace.
Prayer on Wednesday will be at the Browns’ Barn.
We will plan on having a hymn sing Sunday evening 11/26.
Songs for Sunday are as follows:
- Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
- Have Thine Own Way Lord
- His Robes For Mine
- By Grace Alone
- Grace Greater Than Our Sin