This Week at Hope – More Precious than Gold
Brothers and Sisters,
See you at Family Camp on Friday… The Deacons are looking for help Thursday at 3:00 to haul family camp items to the Brown’s farm for family camp.
On Sunday afternoon, we will be reading Revelation 12-22 for the afternoon service.
Here is a note from Trent regarding his Sunday Morning Sermon from 1 Peter 1,
Grace and Peace in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
This Lord’s Day we are going to return to the theme of our Glorious Salvation. As we learned a few weeks ago, our glorious salvation compels us to praise God because we have received abundant mercy, we have been born again to a living hope, we have a living Savior, we have the promise of a heavenly inheritance, we are kept by the power of God and we have the promise and hope of the revealing of our salvation. This week we will see how this glorious salvation produces joy in the believer’s heart even and especially in the midst of earthly trials.
Thomas Watson wisely notes, “The wisdom of God is seen in making the most desperate evils turn to the good of His children. As several poison ingredients, wisely tempered by the skill of the artist make a sovereign medicine, so God makes the most deadly afflictions co-operate for the good of His children. He purifies them, and prepares them for heaven (II Cor. 4:17). These hard frosts hasten the spring flowers of glory. The wise God, by a divine chemistry, turns afflictions into cordials. He makes His people gainers by losses, and turns their crosses into blessings.” From “A Body of Divinity.”
May the Lord prepare our hearts to receive His Word and expand our joy in the midst of every earthly trial.