This Week at Hope – No Other gods!
Dear ones,
This week we finally arrive at Mount Sinai (Exodus 19,20). We find people who must prepare to meet their God. He wants them consecrated and together to hear the things He wants to speak to Moses. God has redeemed them. He has called them to Himself. Having declared His covenant name to them, He begins to layout their duty to Him as a redeemed person. John Newton, in one of his many letters, wrote:
It is the Holy Spirit’s office to discover the grace and glory of the Saviour, as having fulfilled the law for us, and as engaged by promise to enable those who believe in Him to honor it with a due obedience in their own persons. Then a change of judgment takes place, and the sinner consents to the law, that it is holy, just, and good. Then the law is acknowledged to be holy; it manifests the holiness of God; and a conformity to it is the perfection of human nature. (a letter on the right use of the law found in The Works of John Newton, Vol. 1).
This Sunday we will be dealing with the first of the ten – You shall have no other gods before Me. May the Spirit enable us who believe in Christ to honor Him with due obedience to this commandment.
Prayer will be at the Brown’s barn.
Sunday afternoon I plan to give an evangelistic message. The gospel is always good news for believers and unbelievers alike. May we never tire of hearing the old, old story of Jesus and His love.
Hope Baptist Church Prayer Week begins next Wednesday, January 29th (refer to the email sent out earlier about it).
Songs for Sunday are as follows:
- Holy, Holy, Holy
- Glory Be to Jesus
- I Sing The Mighty Power of God
- Immovable Our Hope Remains
- The Son of God Goes Forth to War