This Week at Hope: Philadelphia – Church of the Open Door
Dear brothers & sisters,
This coming Sunday, we will be looking at the Lord’s epistle to the church of Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7-13). What does the Lord want them to know? That He is God, both “holy” and “true”. Drawing from Isaiah 22:22, He also wants to assure them that He is completely sovereign, as the One “who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts, and shuts and no one opens”.
Why? Because He has a task for them: the spread of the gospel (:8). Every time we encounter the phrasing ‘open door’ it has to do with the extension of His kingdom through evangelism. And there is no greater catalyst for the difficult work than knowing He is sovereign. It is in spite of their “little strength” that He wants them to walk through this door. There will be opposition, difficulty and the need to persevere, but He will carry them through and do the impossible (:9). What about Hope Baptist? You individually? Your family? When it comes to God’s mission upon the earth – the spread of His glory through the preaching of His word – what role are you playing? May His preoccupation become yours and mine.
Prayer this Wednesday will be held at the Noah’s home.
For our Sunday afternoon teaching on the attributes of our God, Ash Noah will be speaking on the Grace of God.
Fathers, please make sure you have next week‘s Father-Daughter Retreat on your calendar (April 5-6, starting 7 pm on Friday). The topic this year: “The Sovereignty of God”.
Pray for Scott Brown as he hosts a Leaders Meeting in Montgomery this weekend.
For worship this Sunday, we will be singing the following:
- Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart
- Revive Us Again
- Nearer, My God, to Thee
- I Asked the Lord that I Might Grow
- O Church, Arise
May the Lord bless the rest of your week!