This Week at Hope – Properly Identifying the Source of Our Wisdom
Dear brothers and sisters,
This Sunday we will be returning to the book of James, focusing our attention on 3:13-18. Continuing to show us what true faith is and what practical Christianity looks like, James delves into the important subject of wisdom. To embrace Christ is to embrace incarnate Wisdom. If we are His children, we should be marked by heavenly (godly) wisdom. But if we were to look at our hearts as James asks us to do, we may discover the fingerprints of an earthly wisdom upon much of what we do. Having instructed us in the areas of good works and good words, James now asks, ‘Why do you do the things you do? What is at the heart of them? Do you have a wise and understanding heart?’
We will seek to open up the passage under the following headings:
1) The Need for Self-Examination
2) The Nature of Earthly Wisdom and Its Fruit
3) The Nature of Heavenly Wisdom and Its Fruit.
May God be pleased to use this passage to make us more and more a people marked by a wisdom that is pure, peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy.
Prayer Wednesday night will be at the Noah’s house.
Please mark your calendars for Sunday evening, Sept. 17th. Our evening meeting will be set aside for the presenting of the proposed changes to our Church Constitution. We will walk through the document and have a time for questions but will not be voting that night.
Also, a reminder to mark your calendars for the Father/Son Retreat scheduled for Sept. 29th-30th.