This Week at Hope – Social Collapse
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Prayer will be held at the Daming home.
Our scripture study for this week is Isaiah 3:1-15. What does it look like when culture is in a state of collapse from the judgment of God? There are many features of what it looks like for a people to ignore God and His ways. But there are no more heartbreaking results of apostasy than the effects on manhood and womanhood. Here in chapter 3 is a very clear description of how a loss of faith affects men and women and what they do in the world. We can be thankful that these terrible realities have not fallen upon us with the same force we see in Isaiah.
Here is an outline:
I. The judgment is announced, v1
II. Wise leaders disappear, v2
III. Leadership on the local level falter, v3-4
IV. The rise of anarchy –relationships of authority are broken down, 5-7
V. The result, v8-12
VI. The Lord speaks, v13-15
The songs are as follows,
O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus #352
O the deep, deep love of Jesus
Vast, unmeasured, boundless, free
Rolling as a mighty ocean
In its fullness over me
Underneath me, all around me
Is the current of Thy love
Leading onward, leading homeward
To my glorious rest above
O the deep, deep love of Jesus
Spread His praise from shore to shore
How He loveth, ever loveth
Changeth never, never more
How He watches o’er His loved ones
Died to call them all His own
How for them He intercedeth
Watcheth o’er them from the throne
O the deep, deep love of Jesus
Love of every love the best
‘Tis an ocean vast of blessing
‘Tis a haven sweet of rest
O the deep, deep love of Jesus
‘Tis a heav’n of heav’ns to me
And it lifts me up to glory
For it lifts me up to Thee
A Shield About Me #709
Thou, O Lord, are a shield about me
You’re my glory, You’re the lifter of my head
Thou, O Lord, are a shield about me
You’re my glory, You’re the lifter of my head
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
You’re the lifter of my head
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
You’re the lifter of my head
Psalm 51
God, be merciful to me,
On thy grace I rest my plea;
Plenteous in compassion thou,
Blot out my transgressions now;
Wash me, make me pure within,
Cleanse, O cleanse me from my sin.
My transgressions I confess,
Grief and guilt my soul oppress;
I have sinned against thy grace
And provoked thee to thy face;
I confess thy judgment just,
Speechless, I thy mercy trust.
I am evil, born in sin;
Thou desirest truth within.
Thou alone my Saviour art,
Teach thy wisdom to my heart;
Make me pure, thy grace bestow,
Wash me whiter than the snow.
Broken, humbled to the dust
By thy wrath and judgment just,
Let my contrite heart rejoice
And in gladness hear thy voice;
From my sins O hide thy face,
Blot them out in boundless grace.
Gracious God, my heart renew,
Make my spirit right and true;
Cast me not away from thee,
Let thy Spirit dwell in me;
Thy salvation’s joy impart,
Steadfast make my willing heart.
Sinners then shall learn from me
And return, O God, to thee;
Saviour, all my guilt remove,
And my tongue shall sing thy love;
Touch my silent lips, O Lord,
And my mouth shall praise accord.
Behold the Lamb
Behold the Lamb who bears our sins away
Slain for us and we remember
The promise made that all who come in faith
Find forgiveness at the cross
So we share in this bread of life
And we drink of His sacrifice
As a sign of our bonds of peace
Around the table of the King
The body of our Saviour Jesus Christ
Torn for you eat and remember
The wounds that heal the death that brings us life
Paid the price to make us one
So we share in this bread of life
And we drink of His sacrifice
As a sign of our bonds of love
Around the table of the King
The blood that cleanses ev’ry stain of sin
Shed for you drink and remember
He drained death’s cup that we may enter in
To receive the life of God
So we share in this bread of life
And we drink of His sacrifice
As a sign of our bonds of grace
Around the table of the King
And so with thankfulness and faith we rise
To respond and to remember
Our call to follow in the steps of Christ
As his body here on earth
As we share in His suffering
We proclaim Christ will come again!
And we’ll join in the feast of Heaven
Around the table of the King
I Sing the Mighty Power of God #128
I sing the mighty pow’r of God that made the mountains rise
That spread the flowing seas abroad and built the lofty skies
I sing the wisdom that ordained the sun to rule the day
The moon shines full at His command and all the stars obey
I sing the goodness of the Lord that filled the earth with food
He formed the creatures with His word and then pronounced them good
Lord, how Thy wonders are displayed wher-e’er I turn my eye
If I survey the ground I tread or gaze upon the sky
There’s not a plant or flow’r below but makes Thy glories known
And clouds arise and tempests blow by order from Thy throne
While all that borrows life from Thee is ever in Thy care
And everywhere that man can be, Thou, God, art present there